Saturday, December 11, 2010

Project 5 Art criticism

I viewed Cityscape: Around The World, done by Megan Aiello, Art in the Life of Trees, done by Katie Gruppo, and Wildlife Encounters, done by Willie Wimes. I choose to critique the exhibit, Art in the Life of Trees.  I chose this exhibit because I really enjoyed all of the different tree paintings and the interpretations and explanations behind them.  I have always been attracted to drawing trees.  the biggest challenge when writing my article was thinking about the right comparisons when I was bracketing.  I used ones that related the most to me and things that I already knew but the comparisons I just had an okay grasp on, I had to really think about when discussing them.  Critiquing my peers work can be a bit stressful because you know someone is critiquing you and you want them to say good things about your work, but I also feel that we are all going through the same things and doing the critiques helps one another.  I don't know if I would like to know what someone else wrote about my project but i do know that in the end if I do see it it might help me to improve if I were to do this project again or to know certain information for the future.  I would rate my finished article an 8 because I feel it was well written but I am skeptical about if I did it the right way.  I also never give myself a really high score.  I enjoyed looking at all of the other exhibits and seeing what everyone else came up with.  I also liked doing the critique and interpreting the meanings of the works.

1 comment:

  1. My apologies if I am posting too may comments on your blog, but couldn't resist myself.

    When it comes to painting "woods" there is nobody that comes even close to Ivan Shishkin. While some of his other paintings are more famous, my personal favorite is "Oak Grove" featured in my blog post below. If you are planning to use them as a benchmark... well you couldn't have set the bar any higher...

    Ivan Shishkin - Singer of Russian woods
